Our attention span is now less than that of a goldfish
All these electronic gadgets are taking a toll on human attention span. Check out this study conducted by Microsoft to learn how this impacts us in the long run....
More Consensus on Coffee’s Benefits Than You Might Think
Coffee has long had a reputation as being unhealthy. But in almost every single respect that reputation is backward. The potential health benefits are surprisingly large. Check out Dr. Carroll's review of the scientific literature dealing with coffee....
Can’t Sleep? Try 4-7-8 breathing technique that claims to help you nod off in 60 SECONDS!
Check out this technique pioneered by my friend Dr. Andrew Weil. It knocked me out in no time.
The secret to preventing and slowing down Alzheimer’s? New research suggests green tea and jogging.
A cup of green tea followed by a jog could stave off or slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease, a study claims. Researchers discovered a green tea extract, called ECGC, slowed the progress of the condition when combined with physical activity.
Cough Medicine Ingredient May Improve Alzheimer’s Agitation
Could an ingredient in cough syrup help AD suffers without any negative effects on cognition?
Mediterranean Diet Linked to Larger Brain Volume
A study from researchers at Columbia University in New York "suggests that adhering to MeDi may prevent cognitive decline or AD [Alzheimer's disease] by maintaining the brain structure or delaying aging-related atrophy."
Air pollution causes brain shrinkage, according to a new study. Better move out to the country quick!
It is not clear exactly how air pollution may change people's brains, the researchers said. They suspect that air pollution may cause increased inflammation, but the researchers are still trying to understand the link, Wilker said. Previous research has linked markers...
Simple Rules for Healthy Eating
Pediatrician Aaron E. Carroll, is a professor at Indiana University School of Medicine. He offers some very sound advice for those who want to eat healthy, but don't want to fuss too much about it.
Check out this movie Alive Inside to see how music can impact the lives of people with dementia.
Can Drinking Milk Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease?
Drinking your milk may help keep your brain young, according to new research published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.